As new parents, we are sure it’s pretty exciting and
yet challenging to handle your bundle of joy. Knowing how to take care of your
little one can be insightful. Read on to know more.
Every year in the week between 15 and 21st November,
India celebrates Newborn Care Week. Why is this week necessary? It’s because
the first 28 days of your newborn’s life (neonatal phase) are very vulnerable –
the neonatal phase has the highest child mortality rate. Similarly, this stage
also sets the foundation for your child’s health. The care and effort you put
into the baby’s health at this stage will decide how strong he/she will be as
an adult.
That is why throughout the newborn care week, efforts are made to educate parents on how to look after their infants. Read on to know the major challenges to a baby’s health and what you can do to avoid them.
Tips to take care of your Newborn
What is the best way to protect your little one? It is
by being aware of the common health problems your child may have. If you are
aware of them, then you will be able to recognize them and take action at the
right time.
Caring for your newborn starts with ensuring that as
soon as the baby is born, he/she is given a complete health check. Doctors
should also administer the birth shots of certain immunization vaccines like
BCG, Hepatitis B, etc.